Please send application with full resume to :
- By Post - Human Resources Department, Evangel Hospital, 222 Argyle Street, Kowloon.
(Please mark position applied on the envelope); or
- Online Application -
- Email - [email protected] for application.
The information provided will only be used for recruitment related purposes. All personal information on unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed within 6 months.
- 中六程度或以上
- 懂使用電腦中、英文輸入預約資料
- 操流利廣東話,懂普通話及英語者更佳
- 處理醫院服務的查詢及與醫院各部門之聯繫
- 按部門需要協助日常運作
- 曾於醫療機構工作可獲優先考慮